Guilt can be persistent, can’t it?!
Ask yourself “what is guilt doing for me or other people at this point?”
Sometimes we are able to make amends for the mistakes and hurt we have caused. Other times, we don’t have that opportunity. Emotional masochism really isn’t helping anyone. In fact, it can keep you from doing right by others because you end up stuck in the same place, which will affect the people around you.
Think about your loved ones, coworkers, friends, etc. and how they could be impacted by your chronic guilt.
Are they seeing you unhappy? Does it affect your mood? Do you avoid certain activities because you can’t get out of your head or feelings?
Holding onto guilt doesn’t just punish you, it punishes the people who love you too.
When you truly want to make amends for wrongdoing, that means that you own what is yours to own, you let go of what is not, and you take actionable steps to do better.
The energy that you are wasting on feeling guilty is energy that you will need for becoming stronger.
So let’s go. Head over to the next post for more on ways to cope with guilty feelings.